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Carma Sorensen

"Cat In The Hat" Opposites

Grades: PK-TK, 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: English Language Arts, Special Education, Reading

Student Instructions

1. Click on the add button. 2. Listen to the story first by going to page two and clicking on the link. 3. Then, on page one, use the move tool to put each item at the bottom in the box under it's opposite. 4. Use the mic name each pair of opposites. 5. When you're all done, click on the green check to add your work to your journal. Simplify: * The story is a little long for our youngest listeners. If you don't think your child can listen for 8 minutes, skip the story. The activity will still work without the story. * If your child doesn't understand opposites yet, you can name them and just have your child find the match. Example: "This house is wet, can you find the house that is dry?" or "This fish is in the bowl, can you find the fish that is out of the bowl?" * If you need to, you can model the opposites for your child. You say, "On and Off" while pointing to the pictures and have them repeat. Extend: * Don't name the original pictures that are already labeled and in the boxes. See if your child can tell what the picture represents. * Have your child see if they can remember each picture from the story and have them tell what was happening in the picture. * Allow a little extra time for this activity and encourage as much language as possible as they talk about this fun story by Dr. Seuss. Learning Opportunities: ELA 3 yr.1.7: With prompting and support, explore opposites (antonyms) (for example, happy/sad, up/down, big/little). ELA 4 yr.1.8: Engage in conversations with peers and adults by talking about activities, personal stories, pictures, topics, and text. ELA 3 yr.2.17: With prompting and support, listen attentively to simple texts. ELA 4 yr.2.17: With prompting and support, listen attentively to and retell simple texts, including event sequence and characters through conversation. ELA 4 yr.2.18: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions and make connections about text, media, or information presented orally.
