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Teachers, save “Create 3D trees trees to make a forest.” to assign it to your class.

Anne-Marie Claxton

Create 3D trees trees to make a forest.

Grades: 2nd Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Math, STEAM

Student Instructions

Work together to design and make 3D trees for a class forest using recycled cardboard. Can you do this with just cardboard and scissors? You will need ✂️ scissors and cardboard boxes 📦 that you can cut up or other cardboard you can recycle. Tape and glue should not be used. 1. EXPERIMENT with cutting various shapes from the cardboard and work out how you will fit them together so they stand up and look like a tree. Will you have branches or not? What shapes work best? 2. When you have made your tree add pine cones, gum nuts or acorns, a bird’s nest and some birds or animals to your tree. 3. Tap the add button INSIDE this activity when you are happy with your tree. 4. Use the photo tool and the mic tool to tell us about your work, OR 5. Ask your friend to video you showing and explaining your work. 6. Tap the check and upload your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Students could work individually, in pairs or in groups. The trees could be any size you choose, a few large trees or a forest of small ones. The less hints and directions the more they will investigate. If the trees are flimsy decorations could be added via photo tool, emojis and drawing. This would seem a great activity for winter or spring.
