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Teachers, save “Primary and Secondry Sources” to assign it to your class.

Larissa Paton

Primary and Secondry Sources

Grades: 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Social Studies, History

Student Instructions

1: Tap the add to start your work. 2: Listen to the learning intentions and success criteria on the 1st slide. 3: On the next slide watch the clip about primary and secondary sources. 4. On the following slides classify as either a primary source or a secondary source. 5: On the final page use the mic and explain what a primary source is and what a secondary source is. 6: Press the check to send your work to your teacher.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Clip on the 2nd slide was obtained from YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU0fAhss-yg&ab_channel=TheMedievalHistorian Pictures were obtained from: 1st / Last Page - Primary & secondary sources pic - google search 3rd Page - Interview transcript obtained from Investigating Gallipoli: A resource for primary schools - Aust Gov Dept of Vetrans Affairs 4th Page - Image of Documentary, "Gallipoli From Above: THe Untold Story" Google search 5th Page - Howitzer gun - google search 6th Page - Australian army soldier uniform WW1 - Google search 7th Page - Pilot's Journal from WW1 - Google search
