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Teachers, save “Get Firewise - What is Fire - 1: types o…” to assign it to your class.

Denise Cummins

Get Firewise - What is Fire - 1: types of fire.

Year Groups: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Social Studies

Instructions for Pupils

In this activity you will identify different types of fires and sort them into categories. Listen carefully to the voice instructions on each page and try to answer each question. You can type your answers or use the voice tool 🔉 to tell me your answers. After you have read or listened to these instructions, tap add to begin the activity. Use label to type your answer or open the 3dots menu to use the 🔊 voice tool. Use the move tool to select and move items into their correct place. When you are ready to add this activity to your Journal tap the check button.

Teacher Notes (not visible to pupils)

This activity has been created to accompany the New Zealand Get Firewise Year 1 and 2 teaching kit. It aligns with Section 1: What is fire?. I should be assigned to be completed independently after a teacher led discussion of Photographs 1 and 2. For more information on the Get Firewise, Year 1 and 2 teaching programme visit www.getfirewise.org.nz. The images I have used for this activity are part of the teacher's kit.
