Student Instructions
Mnemonic devices are sometimes words that form a sentence that help you remember information or facts. Last year you may have learned this Mnemonic, or something similar, to remember the Metric System prefix units - King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk (Kilo, Hecto, Deca, Base unit, Deci, Centi, Milli). Create your own Metric Mnemonic to help you remember the prefix units. Create an illustration of your Mnemonic and record or write out your sentence. 1. Tap 2. Use the tool to create a picture to illustrate your Mnemonic. The tool can be used to add text. 3. You may use your illustration as a resource when recording your mnemonic. Use the tool OR tap the to add your Metric Mnemonic to your portfolio. 4. If you did not record your explanation, you must record your explanation in writing by using the tool. 5. Tap to add your comment.