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Teachers, save “Robot Glyph” to assign it to your class.

Eilis Smart

Robot Glyph

Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: STEAM, Math, Computer Science

Student Instructions

Learning Intention: We are learning to represent data in different ways Success Critiera: - I can record data about myself - I can create a glyph to represent my data add 1️⃣Colour the white box your favourite colour shapes pen 2️⃣Read or listen to the questions and drag the robot part that matches your answer to the white box move 3️⃣You can change the size of the parts move 4️⃣check 5️⃣Look at what your classmates have done. Under their work, make a comment about a fact your learned from their glyph comment 6️⃣Compare glyphs and collect data about the whole class

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This lesson was created using Canva for Education. Robot graphics by The Price of Teaching on TPT
