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Making Musical Instruments which can create sounds with different volume and pitch

Grades: 8th Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Science, Home Learning

Student Instructions

Have a look at the examples for inspiration then create your own musical instrument from materials you have available. You may decorate your instrument if you wish. Once you have made your instrument, click add On page 1 upload a photograph photo of your instrument. On page 2 explain how it changes pitch/loudness using the label tool On page 3 upload a 30 second video video with you demonstrating high and low pitched sounds and different volumes (loudness). When you have completed all three pages and checked your work click check Success Criteria: ⬜️Instrument can produce at least 2 different pitches of sound ⬜️Instrument can produce at least 2 different volumes of sound (loudness) ⬜️Include a photograph of your instrument ⬜️Complete the Seesaw template explaining how you change the pitch and sound ⬜️Include a short (30 second) video showing how you change the pitch and loudness

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This activity is designed as a homework task (Science: Sound topic) for KS2 pupils in the UK. It can also be used as part of home learning during enforced school closure. My students also brought their completed instruments into school and played them together as a 'band': I videoed the results and posted the video to the blog. Students also benefitted from talking to each other and playing each others instruments (not wind ones!). They were encouraged to ask 'how does your instrument make a high pitched sound?' etc. I found this is a great way to reinforce learning. You may need to support some students with limited resources at home. A small bag containing 3 straws, 3 different elastic bands, a few paperclips, 10 beads and an empty tissue box will provide ample opportunities for design. Also suggest children check they are allowed to bring Mum's prized crystal glasses into school if they choose to use those for their design!
