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How Much Will Dinner Cost? ๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Grades: 7th Grade, 6th Grade, 8th Grade
Subjects: Math, Health

Student Instructions

Imagine that you're responsible for cooking dinner for your family tonight. First, think about what recipe you'll make. You will need to do some research online for a healthy recipe that will appeal to you and your family. For example: chicken tacos, rice with tofu and vegetables, or spaghetti with tomato sauce. Second, make a list of all of the ingredients you'll need to cook this meal. You can make your list on paper or in a spreadsheet. Go to a grocery website (ex: safeway.com or wholefoods.com) to find out the prices for your ingredients. Write down those prices. Make sure you're getting enough of each ingredient! Then, using Seesaw, share what you'll cook and how much it will cost. 1. Use the drawing drawing tool to draw an illustration of your meal. 2. Use the label labels tool to write the name of the dish, the ingredients and the cost. 3. Want to share links to your recipe or spreadsheet of prices? Add them using the caption caption tool.
