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Teachers, save “Daily Assignments and Check-in (template…” to assign it to your class.

Ms. Kimbark

Daily Assignments and Check-in (template/sample)

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Home Learning, Daily Routines

Student Instructions

Tap the video to learn about the choice board for our assignments. Tap the add button. Click on each link to take you to each assignment for today. Watch and listen to the video to hear the lesson and directions for the assignment. Use the tools pen, photo, or label to complete the activity. Tap the check when you are all done.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This isa TEMPLATE that can be used for daily assignments for Hybrid or Virtual Learners. It could also be used for small group assignments. Each icon on the choice board on the first page is linked to a page in the Seesaw activity. You will need to add assignments and video instructions that match your curriculum. Tap “Copy and Edit” to add your own activities! Don’t forget to edit the title and directions if needed.
