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Ms. Conner

Assignment #2: NATURE ART - Due 3/27

Grades: 9th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Subjects: Art

Student Instructions

DUE FRIDAY 3/27 Learn about British artist, Andy Goldsworthy. See the attached handout, then watch this 6 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF0TeanWSIU Then create an artwork made from materials you find in nature. This artwork could be a 2D or a 3D creation. Think about REPETITION AND BALANCE. (See the note pages for these elements of art here: https://newfieldschoolsorg.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/ArtClassresources/Epg5mZz9kTlHo-nhjq_OCgwBQpF0qwLcSmVxBnpsMwdOSQ?e=5YGgkR ) Use what you have to glue/attach/combine materials. Get creative. (Dental floss can be used as twine, twist ties can hold small branches, etc.) Or just arrange them on the ground and take a picture before it all blows away. Click on add and share a photo of your artwork.
