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Beth Ellis

Chwarae gyda iâ - Ice play

Grades: PK-TK
Subjects: Science, World Languages

Student Instructions

Bore da! Heddiw rydyn ni'n mynd i fod yn chwarae gydag iâ! Edrychwch ar fideo Mrs Ellis. - Bydd angen i rywun eich helpu i roi anifeiliaid plastig, neu flociau neu unrhyw degan arall sydd gennych a all fynd yn wlyb mewn bag plastig llawn dwr yn y rhewgell. Beth ydych chi'n credu bydd yn digwydd i'r dŵr a'r teganau? - Unwaith mae’r dŵr wedi rhewi, cymerwch y teganau allan o'r rhewgell a rhwygwch y bag. Beth sydd wedi digwydd i'r teganau? Sut maen nhw'n teimlo? - Ydych chi yn gallu meddwl am ffyrdd i gael y teganau allan? Beth am drio gwahanol ffyrdd i weld beth fydd yn toddi'r dŵr yn gyflym. Falle allech chi ddefnyddio teganau i drio torri'r ia, neu falle allech chi roi nhw mewn dŵr, neu yn y bath gyda chi? - Pa ffordd wnaeth doddi'r ia yn fwy cyflym? - Cofiwch uwchlwytho fideo i Seesaw! Pob lwc! Good morning! Today we're going to be playing with ice! Look at Mrs Ellis' video. - Someone will need to help you put plastic animals, blocks or any other toy you have that can get wet in a plastic bag full of water. Put the bag in the freezer. What do you think will happen to the water and toys? - Once the water has frozen, take the toys out of the freezer and rip the bag. What has happened to the toys? How do they feel (cold - oer, smooth - esmwyth/llyfn) - Can you think of ways to get the toys out? Let's try different ways to see what will melt the water quickly. Maybe you could use toys to try and break the ice, or maybe you could put them in water, or in the bath with you? - Which method melted the ice the quickest? - Remember to upload a video to Seesaw! Good luck!

Suzanne Snead, Digital Learning Specialist

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