Student Instructions
Let's learn Swahili and dance together! Here are the Swahili words we'll learn:
Tuungane: let us unite
Tucheze: let us dance
Tufurahi: let us be happy
Tusherehekehe: let us celebrate
One student should be nominated to be the classroom photographer. When the game begins, they will record a video of the class to add to everyone's journal!
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
This activity is designed to be part of a broader conversation about the culture and history of Africa. This activity involves Swahili, a language spoken in parts of eastern Africa. Kusafiri is a Swahili word meaning “to journey.” Students should spread out around a room. The teacher will be the “Kusafiri” and read these Swahili words aloud: Tuungane: let us unite Tucheze: let us dance Tufurahi: let us be happy Tusherehekehe: let us celebrate Students should agree on a dance movement to represent each word. When the group is ready, the Kusafiri calls out the words, one by one. As each word is read, the group makes that movement. When someone makes a mistake, they sits down. The last student standing wins the game!