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Ms Watling

PIG the Monster - Word Work

Grades: Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Writing, Reading

Student Instructions

Click the link to the left to view 'Pig the Monster' by Aaron Blabey. In today's word work you will investigate the word treat and the letter pattern /ea/. The letters ‘ea’ can make two different sounds - long /e/ as in leaf or short /e/ as in head. Task - Press add - Page 1: Use the label tool to complete the activity on the word 'treat' - Page 2: Use the move tool to complete the activity on the /ea/ sound, use the mic to read each word - If you need help reading the questions, click the speaker to have the question read to you - Press check to share your work Australian Curriculum Achievement Standard - Students accurately spell words with regular spelling patterns and spell words with less common long vowel patterns.
