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Shantelle Barhorst

🎲 Heart Word Roll and Write 🎲 Fundations L1U5D5 Trick Words

Grades: Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Writing, Reading

Student Instructions

Touch add 1) To begin, read the heart words in the colored boxes at the top of each column 2) Roll the die (Tap to start and stop) 3) Read the heart word in the matching column 4) Touch the pencil and write the word in the box below or use the label tool. 5) Continue until one heart word column is filled or until the entire board is filled.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Teachers: Click on each of the text boxes in the colored cells at the top and program with the sight words of your choice before assigning to students. Consider adding audio prompts for each word if your students need additional scaffolding. ⚠️This activity has been made to be full screen on an iPad so may appear smaller if viewed on a laptop.
