Student Instructions
High Achievement Unit Outcome:
Students will create music by combining and organizing musical rhythms and evaluate different rhythms for their rhythmic value.
Learning Target:
ME1.1.1 Move and demonstrate beat and tempo
ME1.1.2 Perform music by reading from notation
ME1.1.3 Play songs with different tempos
ME1.1.4 Create symbolic notation for long and shorter notation. (music vocab of staccato and tenuto)
Hey team,
Use the template below to create your own melody following the steps below.
1.) a rhythm that you like using TA, TITI, TIKATIKA.
pitches that you would like those rhythms to be from Sol, Mi, and La.
3.) Combine them below on the staff and
your melody.
yourself playing your melody or singing it, your choice.
Great job and try your best! Mr. Levi