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Teachers, save “Storytelling” to assign it to your class.

Miss Chapman


Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Home Learning

Student Instructions

Some possible learning objectives: To follow a story without pictures or props To talk about events and characters To answer questions about why things happened To form recognisable letters To write labels and captions To read words and simple sentences What could we do? - listen to an audiobook - ask a family member to call and read a story over the phone - talk about what happened in a story and why things happened (e.g. why is Baby Bear sad?) - draw characters from the story and write their names next to them - invite your child to help read some of the words and sentences - make masks or stick puppets of the characters - act out the story using costumes, masks or puppets - look for opportunities to count or use mathematical language through the story (e.g. comparing, measuring, adding) These are just ideas - there are so many other opportunities for learning, especially when you get the rest of the family involved.
