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Maestra O'Sullivan

Tomate un Sussie/Selfie

Grades: Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: World Languages, Art, Home Learning

Student Instructions

Pagina 1. Toca :pic: tomate una foto. Toca drawing dibuja detalles como un sombrero del gato, el sol, arboles de trufula. Pagina 2. Toca link para ver la historia del "Gato con sombrero" Toca mic dime en espanol si te gustaria que el gato con sombrero fuera a tu casa para jugar. Toca check para entregar Page 1. Click :pic: take a picture. Click drawing draw details on your picture like a hat, the sun, truffula trees. Page 2. Click link to see the book Click mic let me know if you would like the cat in the hat to go to your house to play. Click check to turn it in
