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Vickie Kennemer

AMI Day 9, Friday, April 3, 2020: Reading Skills with Mrs. Kennemer

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Reading

Student Instructions

Reading, Day 9 - Kennemer Ask Me Some Questions! Good Morning, Children! Are you ready for some fun activities? Of course you are! I am sending this one your way just to make your day even brighter than what it already is. Remember all of the times in class that I am constantly asking you questions? Well, it is always really easy to give me back a quick answer, but when I ask you to ask me one, it can take a good while. So, today, I have a really funny picture that I want you to look at very closely. Once you have, then write down four questions you would like to ask me about the picture. Use the writing paper template to type your questions using a text box. Remember to begin with a capital letter, end in the correct punctuation mark, and make sure the questions are about the darling pig picture. Just a reminder that some of the very important question words are: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Once you are finished, take a picture of your work and send it back to me.
