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Teachers, save “Sight Words Memory Game” to assign it to your class.

Ms. Claudette

Sight Words Memory Game

Years: Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Multilingual Learners, Reading, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to practice reading sight words by playing the memory game and word search. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Tap add to begin learning engagement. 2. Click the link on page 1 to play the sight words memory game. 3. Try the word search activity. Look for the sight words who/your/because/after/before. Tap the drawing to circle the words. 4. On page 3, tap the mic to share the sight words you learned. 5. Click check to submit learning engagement. Have fun!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Hi! You can make your own flip and match memory game using the template found on this website: flippity.net It is a great activity for sight words practice. I hope you find this helpful.
