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Mrs Rae

Plotting numbers on number lines - CHILLI 2 and 3

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Home Learning, Math

Student Instructions

This task is about plotting numbers on number lines. Each number line has three tags. You need to write what the numbers are that are represented by those tags. Think carefully about how far along the line they are - how close are they to the number, or the halfway point between two numbers? Click add Choose your chilli challenge (2 or 3). For both challenges, there are two pages to complete. Use pen, pencil or label to write your answers on the tags. Remember you can click on the circles for the textboxes to shrink them down after you've written them! Use mic to record yourself explaining how you know! (You don't need to do this for all of them, but maybe choose one to have a go at explaining)
