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Teachers, save β€œFrom Source to Sea 🏞️ 🌊 - How do humans…” to assign it to your class.

Rugby for Change

From Source to Sea 🏞️ 🌊 - How do humans alter rivers?

Grades: 6th Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Social Studies, Geography, Home Learning

Student Instructions

How can rivers be altered? Is this a positive or negative change? 🏞️ 🌊 1. Read through instructions and watch the video clip recapping rivers. 2. Go through each page, watch the video link and research how rivers can be altered by humans πŸ§ πŸ’‘ 3. Select add and create a poster suggesting ideas about how humans can help to keep rivers clean and reduce pollution. Use pen to draw ideas or pictures. Use label to explain your reasons. Use upload to upload pictures found that support your ideas. Use mic to explain your poster and convince people to do what they can to promote healthy river systems. Or complete the work on paper, take a photo with photo and upload Get as creative as you like with this activity! Once finished, check through your work and press check to upload to your seesaw class journal.
