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Laura Faulk

Fabulous Me!

Grades: 5th Grade
Subjects: Character Building

Student Instructions

1. Open up a web browser (Chrome or Safari) and go to www.wordart.com 2. Click on CREATE NOW. 3. Type in YOUR NAME first & set size to 4. Then type words to describe yourself. (ex: smart, kind, soccer, dancer, piano, friend, daughter, chef, etc.). You need a minimum of 10 words, but no maximum. Make sure the words are positive. 4. Click on SHAPES and choose the shape you want and then Click on FONTS and choose the font you want. 5. Click on LAYOUT to adjust the layout of the words. 6. Move your screen to the right and click on the red VISUALIZE button. This will show you what your word art looks like. 7. Make any changes by moving your screen back to the left. You can click the red VISUALIZE button any time you want to see what the changes look like. 8. When you are done, click on the word DOWNLOAD that is in the blue bar at the top. Choose STANDARD JPEG. When the image comes up, hold your finger on it and then press SAVE IMAGE. 9. Upload your word art to your Seesaw portfolio!
