Student Instructions
Instructions: Parents, your child does not have to do these all in one day. They can complete the activities over the week.
1. Five Little Ladybugs: Watch the video and sing along with the song.
Using items found in your home or outdoors, such as beans, twigs, acorns, etc. act out what happens in the song.
Talk about what is happening to the number of ladybugs climbing on the door.
Make up your own subtraction stories using the ladybugs. Example: Five ladybugs marched in a line. Three left the
line. How many ladybugs were left in line?
Record your subtraction problem.
2. How many in all? Go outside and find objects that you can use to count such as twigs, small rocks, acorns, etc.
Use these items to make up your own addition stories using bugs as the stars of your stories.
Example: 2 dragonflies were on a leaf. 3 butterflies flew over and joined them on the leaf. How many bugs were on
the leaf in all?
Record your addition problem.
3. A Home for a Bug: In this activity, parent and child will make a home for a bug that takes care of all of its needs.
Then the child will go on a neighborhood or backyard walk and find a bug for his bug home.
Remember to release the bug once you are finished examining it.
Draw a picture of the bug house you made to hold the bug.
4. Bug Photo Hunt: Go for a walk in a park, your neighborhood or the garden of your house, talking about insects that
you find and taking pictures of them if possible.
Draw a picture of your favorite bug you found on your walk.