Student Instructions
Hands-on Investigation 1. Slide 1: Observe a bar magnet. Notice the North Pole and the South Pole. Take a picture of a magnet. Upload to slide 1. Circle the poles. Use the microphone to record a 10-second explanation. 2. Slide 2: Play with the two bar magnets. Put the S and S poles together. What happens? Do they attract or repel? Take a photo. Repeat for the N and N poles. Record a 10-second explanation. 3. Slide 3: Take a video of the S and S poles of two bar magnets repelling. Record a 10-second explanation in the caption. 4. Slide 4: Use two different magnets (wand magnet, ring magnets, or marble magnets) to record a 10-second video of the magnets repelling with like poles. Record a 10-second explanation in the caption. 5. Slide 5: Use two different magnets (wand magnet, ring magnets, or marble magnets) to record a 10-second video of the magnets repelling with like poles. Record a 10-second explanation in the caption. 6. Slide 6: Move the magnets to show the results of like poles being brought together. Move the arrows to show the pushing force (repelling) or pulling force (attracting). Record a 10-second explanation. 7. Record the purpose of the activity. Your recording should not exceed 10 seconds. Required Content o What is a pole? (picture of a bar magnet with the N and S poles circled/labeled) o What are like poles? (labeled picture of two bar magnets with like poles) o What happens? (picture of results with arrows pushing to repel) o Video of 2 bars magnets repelling with like poles o Two additional video clips of like poles repelling o Purpose of the activity/what you learned Required Vocabulary o Magnets o Poles o Repel o Like o Force o Push o Observe o Investigate o Evidence
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Materials: 2 bar magnets (see link below), a wand magnet, three magnet marbles, and two ring magnets.