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Teachers, save “Hechos y Opiniones / Facts and Opinions” to assign it to your class.

Martha Mercadante

Hechos y Opiniones / Facts and Opinions

Grades: 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Writing, World Languages, Science

Student Instructions

🟥1. Click add para empezar la actividad. 2. Escribe label 3 hechos, y 3 opiniones. 3. Grabate mic y lee tus respuestas. 4. Oprime : check: para guardar tu trabajo en tu portafolio digital. !Diviertete! 🟦 1. Click add to start the activity. 2. Type label 3 facts and 3 opinions. 3. Record mic yourself and read your answers. 4. Click check to submit your answers. Have fun!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

I recommend to read The hungry caterpillar (in Spanish) and also read a non fiction book about caterpillars. Encourage students to write and then they can record themselves reading aloud their answers.
