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Teachers, save “Alphabet with Me” to assign it to your class.

Lee Horton

Alphabet with Me

Grades: Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Reading, Music

Student Instructions

1.Click on the link link and listen to the alphabet song. 2. Click 👆on the template. 3. Click on the ▶and listen to the demonstration. 4. Go to the next slide. 5. Click on the move and then on the flashlight. 6. move Move the flashlight around on the board to find the letters. 7. mic Say the name of each letter as you shine the flashlight on it. 8. Click on the pause when you are finished. 9. Click on the green check 2 times to save your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Pre-K Guidelines- Names at least 20 upper case and 20 lower case letters in the language of instruction.
