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Mind Yeti

Sound Change - Audio Session

Grades: Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Character Building, Home Learning

Student Instructions

Learning to focus your attention on one thing can strengthen your mind and help you settle the Hubbub. The more you are able to listen and focus your mind, the stronger it gets. Let’s practice and listen now. 1. ▶️ Click play on the Mind Yeti audio session. Follow along with the guided instructions. 2. 💭 Think: What was it like to listen to the different sounds? How was it when the sound changed? What was easy about this activity? What was challenging? 3. 😌 Think now about a place you love, one that you can imagine clearly when you close your eyes. What do you hear when you are in this place? 4. ✏️ On a piece of paper, draw a picture of the place you love. Be sure to include lots of details, especially ones that will help you remember the sounds you hear when you are there. For example, if you love the forest, you could draw the birds that might be chirping, the leaves that might crunch as you walk, and more. 5. add Click Add Response. 6. photo Click the photo tool to take a photo of your drawing. 7. mic Click the mic to record yourself talking about your drawing. Share about all the things you might hear when you are there. How could this drawing help you to focus when you are feeling the Hubbub boil up? 8. check Click the green check to add to your journal. 🏞 Put your picture up next to your bed. This week, if you are feeling the Hubbub around you, slow down and look at your picture. Think of all the sounds you would hear and try to focus your mind. You’ve got this! ❤️ Family Why: Mindfulness helps children manage stress and work through it more quickly. Mindfulness practice—even a few minutes a day has health benefits. Research suggests that mindfulness can increase one’s ability to focus, calm down and connect positively with others.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This activity guides students in practicing mindfulness and gratitude. You can modify this activity based on your student's age and skill. CASEL: Self-Awareness and Self-Management CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K-3.2 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K-3.3 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K-3.6 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4-5.2 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4-5.4 In 2016, Committee for Children brought together award-winning creative partners and top experts in mindfulness research to develop Mind Yeti. A research-based tool with guided mindfulness sessions, Mind Yeti helps kids and adults settle the Hubbub and create safer, kinder communities. Learn more and find teacher guides at: www.mindyeti.com
