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Mrs Hart

STEAM Magnetism

Grades: 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: STEAM, Science

Student Instructions

You are going to use a Science Simulation to learn about positive and negative charge. 1. Click on the photo link to get to the website. 2. Check the button "Show no charges" (all the plus and minus circles disappear) and "Remove Wall" 3. Click and drag the balloon to rub it on the sweater several times. Keep hold as you move it away to the right and then release. 4. What happened? WHY? 5. Click "Reset Balloon" and check the button "Show all charges". 6. Repeat the experiment. 7. Talk to a partner about what happened using the terms "positive charge" (that's the plus button by the way) and "negative charge" (the minuses) and the key word "attracted" (which means to move towards each other). 8. In your notebook write about the science behind what happened using the terms "positive charge" and "negative charge" and the key verb "attracted". When the balloon is...... The balloon picks up ..... from the sweater. The balloon's negative charge is attracted to the ... and so....
