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Teachers, save “The Fabulous Friend Machine” to assign it to your class.

Jennifer Seitsinger @ShareMooreTech

The Fabulous Friend Machine

Grades: 2nd Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Digital Citizenship, Reading

Student Instructions

Slide 1 - Click the link to listen to the story "The Fabulous Friend Machine". Slide 2 - Imagine that you are one of Popcorn’s friends. Type a text message in the space provided telling Popcorn: -- How you feel when she is always on her “friend machine” -- How she can stay safe when communicating digitally Click the green check when your work is completed.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Digital Citizenship Topics: Balanced use of technology Interacting with others online ISTE Standards: Digital Citizen 1.2b Online Behavior 1.2d Digital Privacy Global Collaborator 1.7a Global Connection Okla Reading/ELA Standards: 2.5.W.1 Students will compose simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences that begin with a capital letter and conclude with an end mark. 2.5.W.2 Students will use nouns, verbs, and adjectives to add clarity and variety to their writing. 2.5.W.3 Students will punctuate initials and capitalize holidays, product names, initials, and months and days of the week. 2.5.W.4 Students will use periods with declarative and imperative sentences, question marks with interrogative sentences, and exclamation points with exclamatory sentences.
