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Saima Hussain

Losing Tale: I want my hat back

Years: PK-TK, Kindergarten
Subjects: Home Learning, Reading

Student Instructions

Today's story is "I want my hat back". In this story, the main character bear is sad and grumpy since he lost his hat. He looked for it all around but he couldn't find it. Where is his hat? Who has taken his hat? Can you help him find his hat? Watch the story video Activity 1: 1. Click on add response and click on your name. 2. Click on move button and arrange the story characters in the sequence. 3. Tap on mic and say the name of each character. Activity 2: 1. Can you think about the main character "Bear"? Think of 3 words to describe the bear. Click on mic to talk about your words 2. Click on check to save your work.
