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Daniel Dusza

Pecha Kucha: Presenting someone else’s ideas

Grades: 11th Grade, Other, 12th Grade
Subjects: Multilingual Learners, World Languages

Student Instructions

Here is your chance to be a pro-presenter. News casters, professors, announcers, MC’s and teachers do this everyday. You will be marked on presentation ability, timing, clarity, and accuracy. You can use 20 of the slides from list25, another’s PechaKucha from PechaKucha.com, or any other place. The original source should be mentioned in your presentation. You must do 10 to pass. You must do 20 well to achieve an A-grade. So far you have done well. Keep up the great work. References: https://www.pechakucha.org/ https://static.pechakucha.org/pechakucha/uploads/slide/image/5bcd80992dd171728998c3c7/full_Untitled_203.001.jpeg https://list25.com/ https://www.slideshare.net/ https://www.ted.com/
