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Ms. Depner

Citizenship, Responsibility, Government - Part 3

Grades: 5th Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Character Building

Student Instructions

Learning Target: I understand rights of others around the world. like Watch the Videos like 1. We've learned about the rights we have in Canada, but people in other countries have different rights. 2. First, watch the videos 3. Then complete each page. 4. Remember, it is important to answer using your own words. 5. When you are done, click the check button

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

BIG IDEAS: Grade 3-People from diverse cultures and societies share some common experiences and aspects of life Grade 4-British Columbia followed a unique path in becoming a part of Canada. Grade 5-Canadian institutions and government reflect the challenge of our regional diversity. CURRICULAR COMPETENCIES: -Make ethical judgments about events, decisions, or actions that consider the conditions of a particular time and place, and assess appropriate ways to respond (ethical judgment) -Differentiate between intended and unintended consequences of events, decisions, and developments, and speculate about alternative outcomes (cause and consequence) CONTENT COMPETENCIES: Grade 3-aspects of life shared by and common to peoples and cultures Grade 4-economic and political factors that influenced the colonization of British Columbia and its entry into Confederation Grade 5-levels of government (First Peoples, federal, provincial, and municipal), their main functions, and sources of funding
