Instructions for Pupils
Use the
tool to illustrate your answers.
Directions are below.
When finished, save it to your journal.
Christmas Tree Legend
1. Tree
Green: I like to decorate a Christmas tree
Red: I don’t like to decorate a Christmas tree
2. Tree Trunk
Brown: We have a real Christmas Tree at my house
Black: We have an artificial Christmas tree at my house.
White: We don’t have a Christmas tree at my house.
3. Star
Yellow: I prefer colored lights on my Christmas tree.
Orange: I prefer white lights on my Christmas tree.
4. Ornaments
I like to eat the following for Christmas dinner:
Yellow: Turkey
Blue: Ham
Purple: Mashed Potatoes
Orange: Sweet Potatoes
White: Green Beans
Red: Fruit Salad
5. Presents
Red: I prefer to get gifts for Christmas
Blue: I prefer to give gifts for Christmas