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Teachers, save “Christmas Tree Glyph” to assign it to your class.

Elizabeth Benno, Digital Literacy Coach

Christmas Tree Glyph

Year Groups: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Social Studies

Instructions for Pupils

Tap add Use the drawing tool to illustrate your answers. Directions are below. When finished, save it to your journal. Christmas Tree Legend 1. Tree Green: I like to decorate a Christmas tree Red: I don’t like to decorate a Christmas tree 2. Tree Trunk Brown: We have a real Christmas Tree at my house Black: We have an artificial Christmas tree at my house. White: We don’t have a Christmas tree at my house. 3. Star Yellow: I prefer colored lights on my Christmas tree. Orange: I prefer white lights on my Christmas tree. 4. Ornaments I like to eat the following for Christmas dinner: Yellow: Turkey Blue: Ham Purple: Mashed Potatoes Orange: Sweet Potatoes White: Green Beans Red: Fruit Salad 5. Presents Red: I prefer to get gifts for Christmas Blue: I prefer to give gifts for Christmas
