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Mrs. Janezic

Evaporation Experimenting (The Water Cycle)

Grades: PK-TK
Subjects: Science, STEAM

Student Instructions

Watch the video for examples of ways to experiment with evaporation outdoors. You will need a paintbrush, bucket of water, chalk, a piece of construction paper and a ziplock baggie. You will also want to do this experiment on a sunny day! Try painting shapes with your brush and the water. Draw around the shapes with chalk. Watch and see the evaporation make your painting disappear. Try painting some shapes in the sun and some in the shade. Do they evaporate in the same amount of time? If not, which one evaporates faster? Why do you think that happens? Now tear the construction paper in two pieces. Dip your hand in water and make wet hand prints on both pieces of paper. Put one inside the ziploc baggie and seal it. Place both pieces of construction paper in the sun. Watch and see what happens. What do you notice happening in the baggie? Why do you think this is happening? Be sure to take some photos of your experiments to post for me to see! You can use the microphone tool or the text box to share your thoughts about what you noticed.

Suzanne Snead, Digital Learning Specialist

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