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Teachers, save “JEDI Crew: We Are a Mosaic of Values” to assign it to your class.

Sarah Said

JEDI Crew: We Are a Mosaic of Values

Grades: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Art, Character Building, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Learning Target: I can identify my own values and take pride in them. I can learn about the values of my crew mates and get to understand the diversity of my crew. As you learned from our JEDI chant, Diversity means that we are a group of people who are all unique and different. As a crew, we all have individual values that contribute to the crew as a whole. Values are things that we can care about and what we believe. Those values come from our families and our traditions. When the main character Sally of The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade see injustices at her school, she raises her finger in the air to call out the injustices she sees. Her classmates join her to advocate for the cause. We want to know, what do you value? Use the square and the guiding topics to tell us this. We would like to collage your images into a mosaic of a hand later. Parents, if you have any questions regarding this activity please email Mrs. Sarah Said, Director of Language and Equity Programs ssaid@emsacharter.org or Dr. Tiffanie Jeffrey, Director of Special Education at tjeffrey@emsacharter.org We thank you in your participation in this JEDI crew!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Teachers, you are welcome to use this activity from the Seesaw Community library. We ask that you PLEASE remove our emails from the directions because it directs the parents you serve to email us. You are welcome to place your own email in there instead.
