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Beth Ellis

Pysgota am Rhifau - Fishing for numbers

Grades: PK-TK
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Bore da! Edrychwch ar y fideo! - Ydych chi'n gallu creu 11 pysgodyn? Rhai mawr, bach, hir a byr? Torrwch y pysgod allan ac ysgrifennwch y rhifau 0 i 10 arnyn nhw. Ydych chi'n gallu gofyn i rywun guddio'r pysgod o amgylch y tŷ, neu du allan? Ewch i chwilio am y rhifau a rhowch nhw nôl mewn trefn. Ydych chi'n gallu chwarae gemau gyda'r pysgod, falle gall rhywun ofyn cwestiynau i chi fel "Pa rif sydd 1/2 yn fwy na...," neu "Pa rif sydd 1/2 yn llai na", neu dynnu rhif i ffwrdd a meddwl pa rif sydd ar goll? - Edrychwch ar y weithgaredd. ydych chi'n gallu defnyddio move i lusgo'r pysgod gyda rhifau ar ben y pysgod heb rhifau, fel eu bod nhw mewn trefn? Pob lwc! Pob lwc! Good morning! Look at the video! - Can you create 11 fish? Big (mawr), small (bach), long (hir) and short (byr)? Cut out the fish and write the numbers 0 to 10 on them. Can you ask someone to hide the fish around the house, or outside? Go and look for the fish and put them in order from 0 to 10. Can you play games with the fish? Maybe someone can ask you questions such as 'Which number is 1/2 more than...," ("Pa rif sydd 1/2 yn fwy na...,"), or "Which number is 1/2 less than" ("Pa rif sydd 1/2 yn llai na...,"), or remove a number and think which number is missing? - Have a look at the activity, Can you use the move tool to drag the numbered fish on top of the fish without numbers, so that they are in order? Good luck!
