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Teachers, save “Sílaba inicial: sa, se, si, so, su” to assign it to your class.

Jessica Rojas

Sílaba inicial: sa, se, si, so, su

Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: Multilingual Learners, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Niños de Kinder 🏫 1. Toca el botón verde add 2. Escucha el audio en cada recuadro. Luego, usa el highlighter o el pen para marcar la sílaba inicial de cada palabra. 3. Cuando termines, toca el check para guardar tu trabajo. Padres de Kinder 👫 1. Tap the green add button add 2. Listen to the audio in each box. Then, use the highlighter or the pen to mark the initial syllable of each word. 3. When you are done click the check to save your work. Tip: Play at home: Find an object. Say its name. Now say the first sound in that word. Goal: I can identify initial sounds.
