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Erica Jasna Struble

St. Patrick's Day! Read-Alouds & Art!

Grades: Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Social Studies

Student Instructions

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Find out about this fun holiday by watching a read-aloud video video, as well as a fun story about an old lady who swallowed a clover. Finish by :draw: drawing a St. Patrick's Day folding Surprise! What will you find at the end of the rainbow? 1. Click the add add response button 2. Click on the link link to find out about the holiday, St. Patrick's Day. Then, watch the read-aloud, "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover". Lastly, click on the link link and watch our friends from Art For Kids Hub! It is time to learn how to :draw: draw a St. Patrick's Day Folding Surprise! 3. When you are done with your drawing, take a photo picture and upload it to the frame on the second slide. 4. Click on the green check checkmark to upload your work.
