Instructions for Pupils
Ciao bambini!
This week we are learning what we call the family members in Italian.
Last week we learned about our immediate family. This week we are adding more people, but this time from our extended family.
⬅️ Have a look at the family poster in the View Instructions box and listen to how the words sound. You can say them after me if you like!
So that you can get used to the family members have a go at the word search on this activity.
Follow these steps:
1. Tap on to begin the activity
2. Tap on the
3. When you find one of the family members (listed on the right) in the word search use the
to highlight all the letters in that word. Then use the same colour to highlight the word in the list so you know you have found it.
4. You can change the colour of the highlighter if you wish by using the colour slider on the right
5. When you have found all the family members tap on
to upload your work
Have fun!