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Family Reading and Storytelling Routine

Grades: 5th Grade, PK-TK, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Reading, Home Learning, Special Education

Student Instructions

Ask a member of your family to read aloud or share a story with you today. Sharing books and stories helps us meet new characters and travel to new places together. Enjoy some story adventures with each other this week. 1. 📚Choose a book or a story you want to share together. Get comfy! 2. 📖 Start reading. 3. 🗣Before you begin the story, ask your family member what they think the story will be about. 4. 🗣 While reading ask your family member to stop. Ask them who their favorite character is? Share yours. What do they think will happen next. 5. 📖Keep reading. Were your predictions right? 6. add Tap the add response button. 7. drawing Use any of the Seesaw tools to tell me about reading together. Think about what you enjoyed and what you learned by sharing a book with your family member. 8. check Tap the green check to save. Challenge: Show your family member how you find "evidence" or clues to support your predictions while reading. Family Why: Research shows that reading and sharing stories helps build a life-long love of reading. Taking time to read and talk about books regularly shows your child that you value reading.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Encouraging families to read aloud every day builds children's vocabulary, background knowledge, focus and listening stamina. It also encourages a love of story and reading. Children love spending time with their family and having a chance to engage over a book can help children with comprehension and confidence in reading overall. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.3
