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Teachers, save “Wacky Wednesday Read Aloud and Photo Booth” to assign it to your class.

Trang Le

Wacky Wednesday Read Aloud and Photo Booth

Grades: 2nd Grade, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Art, Literacy

Student Instructions

Click add Click link to listen to the story. Take a photo of yourself. Use move to move and add wacky things to your picture. Click on the objects you want and on the 3dots order to bring them to the front. Delete the extra objects. Click on the 3dots shapes on the left side to add other wacky things. Click check to submit your wacky picture.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

After listening to the story, students will take a picture of themselves and add wacky props to their photos. Bitmoji can be unlocked and deleted. You can add a picture of yourself as an example.
