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Miss Helm

Take an interactive tour of the seven wonders of the world and respond

Year Groups: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Social Studies, Geography

Instructions for Pupils

WIL: I can describe how and where some places and environments are similar, and others are different. WIG: Consider and compare the images carefully Read the information tabs Consider and include the points in the instructions below Click on the link and use it to view the famous 7 wonders of the world. The images are 360 so scroll around to see it all. You can click on the tabs to read some information about each one. Observe and think about how the wonders are similar and also different. POINTS TO CONSIDER: . The climate . The surroundings and environment . The purpose of the wonder . Who may have built it and when Then go to the template and answer the questions about similarities and differences - you can write these or record your answers using the mic The second page has a map of the world where you can plot each wonder - use an online map to help you.
