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Teachers, save “What I know about 2-digit numbers” to assign it to your class.

Nicolle Jakube

What I know about 2-digit numbers

Grades: 2nd Grade, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

How do you use place value to read and write numbers? 1. add 2. Make a 2-digit number using unifix blocks 3. Take a photo of your blocks 4. Use label to: - write the number as numerals - record how many tens and ones are in your number - write your number in written form - write your number in expanded form 5. check to add to your learning journal 6. *optional: use mic to read your number and to tell an interesting fact about your number eg Is it odd or even? How do you know? How close is your number to 100? or 50? Central idea: Numbers are used for many purposes in our world. Key concepts: Form, Function, Connection Learner Profile: Principled, Thinker Approaches to learning: Thinking skills
