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Teachers, save “Getting to know India better” to assign it to your class.

Aprajita Ralli

Getting to know India better

Grades: 6th Grade, 8th Grade, 7th Grade
Subjects: Social Studies

Student Instructions

we know that India is not a very old country in terms of its Independent , democratic status ; it's rich in its variety , culture , and its heritage ... however,India was not always as we see it today - and even today it might not be the way we want our country to be . lets look at challenges that India is facing or has faced over the years ... BEING THE LARGEST DEMOCRACY , we need to examine how its is run and how are the people looking after their interests and that of their country men .. when did the idea as a country get drawn in the minds of the people . these and many more questions will be answered during the course of this unit. you will put up posts to cover the information - lets start with finding out key issues that you think your country faces .. reading material is also uploaded on your google classroom . IDENTITY AND EXAMINE ANY TWO ISSUES THAT YOU THINK INDIA IS FACING TODAY - ONE COUDL BE POLITICAL or economic and the other can be social or environmental
