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Megan (Shelton) Hadley

MUSIC: AMONG US: Note Duration of Whole, Half, and Quarter Notes

Grades: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Music

Student Instructions

Hello Musicians, This week we are going to focus on rhythms and their duration, or how many beats long, these notes are. Instead of just quarter notes and eighth notes, we are exploring longer sounds, such as half notes and whole notes. We use these notes when we want long sounds, or sounds that last more than one beat in length. For every note there is also a "rest" that is worth the same amount of beats. For example, a quarter note is worth 1 beat of sound, and a quarter rest is worth 1 beat of silence. A half note means 2 beats of sound and a half rest means 2 beats of silence. A whole notes means 4 beats of sound and a whole rest means 4 beats of silence. We will talk more about rests in another lesson this week. Today's lesson is based on the video game "Among Us." First, you will watch a short video that talks about quarter notes, half notes and whole rests. Yes, it's a cartoon, but it contains the information that you need in today's lesson response. Second, grab a "found instrument," clap along, or play the rhythm patterns on your recorder (if you choose recorder, choose 1 note to play). Perform the review rhythms to the "Among Us" video. Third, go to add "add response." Today you will demonstrate your understanding of note value, by adding the note values in each Among Us character. Notice the "tie" symbol, which means to add the note values together. After you add the note values, color the characters according to the key. Then check submit! Have fun! Ms. Shelton (OGE) and Mr. Scyler (IM)
