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Mrs. Kitts

How to Catch Santa Coding Challenge

Grades: 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: Reading, STEAM, Computer Science

Student Instructions

Tap on the book. Then tap the link link two times to listen to the story. Then come back to Seesaw. The kids from the story have laid traps for Santa. Santa has just come down the chimney. Your job is to help Santa make his way through the traps. Don’t let Santa get caught! 1. move Move Santa to the Chimney (START of program) 2. move Move one arrow to each white box to show the direction Santa must travel to get to the milk and cookies AND to the Christmas tree. Santa cannot go through the traps. (Write your program). 3. mic and move Record your Santa moving through your program. Tap and Drag Santa to move him through the maze. Tell what direction Santa is traveling...up, down, left, or right. (Test program). 4. check submit your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Chimney with fireplace - https://pixabay.com/vectors/christmas-santa-claus-chimney-socks-152484/ Bells - https://pixy.org/1122955/ Santa - https://pixy.org/4445719/ Glitter - https://pixy.org/1473365/ Carrots - https://pixy.org/5822508/ Cookies and Milk - https://pixy.org/4781952/ Christmas Tree - https://pixy.org/4460403/ Background image: "Christmas Background" by Michael Kappel is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 "Christmas Background" by Simon & Vicki is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
