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Angela Seesawer

Creativity Bins - STEAM

Grades: PK-TK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: Art, STEAM

Student Instructions

Look at the stuff in your bin. What can you build in one minute? What can you make in ten minutes? add Tap the add button. photo Take a photo of what you made. mic Tell us how your second creation was different from your first. check Tap the check and add to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This is a great activity to show students that creativity takes time. These bins have buttons, pipe cleaners, and straws that have been cut into pieces. One bin can be shared with four students. Let students know that they can make anything they want using the materials in the bin. Tell the students they will have one minute to create and can only use what's inside the bin. Let them begin and stop them after 60 seconds. Have students share in their group what they created. Now, let the students create for ten minutes using the materials in the bin. After ten minutes have students share their creations in their group. What do they notice? They will use Seesaw to take a photo of their second creation. Then using the mic they can reflect on the experience. Are their creations the same or different? Can they always create fast or does it take time?
