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Teachers, save “Life and Death of a Star” to assign it to your class.

Cristina Mendoza

Life and Death of a Star

Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 6th Grade
Subjects: STEAM, Science

Student Instructions

Get ready to see a star born, live, and die. Just like people they age and go through different stages. 1.You must first watch the video. 2. Click on the template to fill in the blanks based on the information from the video. Cool Worlds: Life & Death of a Star https://youtu.be/rPmekP6B9Rw For more fun and cool information check these links out. Who was the 29 year old female that created the computer program that captured the first black hole and how did she do it? https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47891902 What do black holes look like? https://physicsworld.com/a/first-images-of-a-black-hole-unveiled-by-astronomers-in-landmark-discovery/ How do we use telescopes to capture these images? Here is the National Radio Astronomy Observatory website that shows you how. https://public.nrao.edu/gallery/
