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Ms Watling

The Most Magnificent Thing - Character Traits and Feelings

Grades: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Reading, English Language Arts, Writing

Student Instructions

In today's activity you will explore the girl's feelings and character traits. To begin, watch the two link to the left. 1. Character Traits Explanation 2. Story - 'The Most Magnificent Thing' Task - Press add - Page 1 - Tell us about the girl, use the label tool to write your responses. Use the mic to share your thinking. - Page 2 - How does the girls feelings change through the story? Use the label tool to write your responses and use the mic to share your thinking. - Re-watch the story as needed. - Press check to share your finished work. Australian Curriculum Achievement Standard - Students understand how characters in texts are developed and give reasons for personal preferences. - When discussing their ideas and experiences, students use everyday language features and topic-specific vocabulary. - Students explain their preferences for aspects of texts using other texts as comparisons.
