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Mrs Brianna Nish

Mouse Control Games- Choice Board

Years: PK-TK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: Seesaw Essentials, Coding, Computer Science

Student Instructions

Today you are going to practise your mouse control skills. Using a mouse is an key computer skill and it is important to develop control over moving your mouse and where you click your mouse. This will help you use a computer quickly and accurately. 1. Click the add 2. Choose a game to play arrow 3. When you have finished playing a game, use the drawing to circle the games you played. 4. Click the check to show your teacher which games you played today. Remember, you need to spend 10-15mins per game, to get in enough practise to improve. You may wish to set a timer to help you. ***NOTE: These games only work on a computer.***

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Mouse Control Choice Board Best suited to lower primary. *All Games tested and trialled on a laptop April 4th 2023
